Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Filming locations

We used several locations to film our horror movie trailer. These are the images we took from the places we chose to film. As you can see from above, the first picture is a series of dark alley ways within a warehouse near to our school. We chose this location because we knew it was a low light area which gave us a dark and spooky feeling. This was chosen to create a horror type mise-en-scene. This was the only reason we chose to film here and that was due to the low light conditions which heightened the horror trailer effect.
The next place we chose to film was at our school. The picture makes it obvious due to the board clearly showing the words 'goffs school.' There were two reasons we chose this, the first being easy access. We could film here whenever we want and we didn't have to ask anyone to film. This made it extra easy for us and we used this location well as we got many shots from here. The next reason was that we could change the lighting to our choice in some places. An example of this is the girls phone-call in our trailer. We made this dull and dim in order to emphasize the horror mise-en-scene. So this was a good location i feel, simply due to the easy access and out choice of surrounding that we could create.
The bottom picture is where we got more of our film for our horror trailer. This is a dirty and dull subway which is a close walk from our 6th form. This is the first reason we chose this location due to the simple access to the location. It was literally a five minute walk from our classroom to the subway. It also fitted the horror mise-en-scene due to it being dirty, dark and dull. This again heightened the dramatic effect the me and Izel was trying to give off in our film trailer.
We had other locations but these were our three main ones in order to create a dramatic horror effect. So therefore i chose to show these three to show on my blog. The other two location was at my house and in a car park. We chose my house because this is a stereo-typical horror trailer location when someone is on their own and things begin to happen. The car park was used for literally 2 shots in our trailer and wasnt a big part at all. These are all the locations we chose for our horror trailer and we chose them due to our joint decision of us trying to find suitable horror trailer locations.

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